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半电池腐蚀映射for Concrete

Half Cell corrosion mapping是评估混凝土结构中腐蚀活动严重程度的有效方法。它是最着名的方法,以确定活性腐蚀的可能性;但是,该测试不提供有关腐蚀活动动力学的任何信息。该测试的简单和经济效益的程序使其在工程师和结构检查员之间流行。该方法已用于桥式甲板检测,停车车库,钢筋混凝土梁,梁和墩的腐蚀监测。


Half Cell corrosion mappingconsists of measuring the potential difference between a standard reference electrode, normally a copper/ copper sulfate (standard portable half-cell) placed on the surface of the concrete with the steel reinforcement underneath.半电池腐蚀映射半电池腐蚀映射为腐蚀评估提供了一种快速,经济效益和无损性的方式。该测试提供有关腐蚀可能性的有价值的信息,并有助于具体保障和康复的质量保证。几个标准关联已标准化了包括该的测试程序ASTM C 876,UNI 10174.andRilem TC 154.。根据测量的半电池腐蚀电位值,确定有源腐蚀的概率。

Half-Cell Potential Measurement (mV, CSE) Likelihood of active corrosion (%)
> - 200 <10
-200到-350 uncertain
< -350 > 90

When the half cell potential measurement is more negative than -350 mV (CSE electrode), then the chance of having active corrosion is more than 90%. When the measured value is more positive than -200 mV, the chance of active corrosion is less than 10%. For potential values between -200 mV and -350 mV, there is uncertainty in interpreting the test results.


在理想laboratory condition, performing half cell corrosion measurement is straight forward; however, performing the test in the field can become challenging. The following steps will help you perform an effective and reliable measurement in the field:


The first things first is to know the test locations. In general, a schematic grid will help you with smoothly taking the measurements, and managing test results. There is no general rule about the grid spacing. A finer mesh will be more precise, but also more expensive. Wide spacing can reduce the resolution of test results, and may result in inaccurate half cell potential measurements. A suitable spacing should be selected with regards to the area under investigation.

2- Rebar Connection / Connectivity Test


3- Electrical Connection to Voltmeter



If the surface of concrete is too dry, the pre-wetting is required. Pre-wetting can either be achieved by spraying the water over the location to be tested, or through using a wet sponge.ASTM C 876describes how suitable pre-wetting condition can be achieved.


5- Perform Measurements

At each location, the value of half cell potential should be recorded to the nearest 0.01 V (ASTM C 876)。对于每个点,记录测试点的坐标,以及腐蚀潜在值。如果包括温度发生变化的天气状况,则应调整半电池测量值以进行温度变化。

How to Present Half Cell Potential Measurements

Half Cell potential maps are widely used to present the test results. The contour maps can show the gradient of the half cell potential values, can easily be interpreted. An example of this contour maps is illustrated in the figure below. Alternatively, results can be presented using cumulative frequency distribution.

半电池电位测量 - 影响参数

When it comes to half-cell potential values, one should take into account the effect of environmental conditions (such as moisture and humidity), as well as the properties of concrete materials (dense concrete versus porous concrete, carbonated concrete). According toping gu和J.J.Beaudoin(1998)以下参数可以影响腐蚀电位测量:

+ Cover thickness


+ Obtaining effective and reliable half cell potential measurement is difficult when the electrical resistivity of concrete cover is high. Wetting concrete surface can help reduce the impact of electrical resistivity on half cell measurements. Dense cover, as well as thick concrete cover may reduce the amount of oxygen, and results in more negative half cell potential values, without necessarily having active corrosion.




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