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Protecting Concrete in Cold Weather

保护混凝土在寒冷的天气是连续的s challenge for concrete contractors and site supervisors. Placing concrete in the cold weather condition requires special preparation and protection. All necessary precautions should be taken in order to to alleviate the negative impacts of cold weather. Special curing and protection is required in most cases. In my previous article, we reviewed what is considered cold for concrete construction, and what should be done prior to placing concrete. In this article, I will review some of the widely used protection techniques and strategies and the challenges in protecting the concrete from extreme cold. But first, let’s see what cold means for concrete:


这hydration of cement is a chemical reaction. Extremely low temperatures as well as freezing can significantly slow down the reactions, thus, affecting the strength growth. In fact, freezing temperatures within the first24 hours(或者当混凝土仍然处于塑料状态时),可以降低强度超过50%

Protecting Concrete in Cold Weather

CSA A23.1specifies that protection shall be provided by means of:

1) Heated enclosures
2) Coverings
3) Insulation

应继续保护,直到所需的结构性质如强度实现。将混凝土暴露在极端寒冷之前的最小强度500 psi (3.5 MPa)CSA A 23.1.指定了压缩强度7.0 MPA.被认为是安全暴露在冻结。传统上,铸造打孔缸用于以某些间隔估计强度。成熟度方法越来越受到无线传感器技术的最新进步的普及。应避免在此期间的湿固化。

Covering – Curing Blankets w/o Insulation

Covering Concrete Cold Weather用固化坯料覆盖在寒冷的季节期间广泛应用于建筑工地。从水泥的水合产生的热量通常足够了,对于许多情况而言,如果毯子应该适当使用。毯子应该留下几天。所需的绝缘值取决于混凝土的厚度,水泥的量和预期的寒冷。咨询ACI 306第7章有关保温的详细信息。

Site managers, and engineers are responsible to assess if concrete has reached desired strength. Temperature monitoring using infrared thermography from concrete surface or到期methodcan be used for better decision making.

这heat generated from hydration process should suffice in most cases, if appropriate insulating blankets of polyethylene sheets are used. Additional source of heat might be required based on area and temperature.

When covering with blankets, special attention should be given to the corners and edges of the slabs. These area often require further insulating layers. If covering can not keep the concrete temperature at desired levels, external heat source such as electric heating blankets, or hydronic heating pipes should be used.



1-二氧化碳 - 碳酸化

One common challenge with heated enclosure is the problem of carbonation. The carbon-dioxide produced by some of commercially available heaters increases the chance of carbonation of freshly placed concrete. This can lead to formation of a weak concrete layer which is often unacceptable. It is recommended to use heating systems that exhaust to the outside of the enclosure.

2- Rapid Drying / Uneven Heating

这use of heaters can result in very rapid drying of concrete, which will increase the chance of plastic shrinkage, and might lead to poor quality concrete (if water required for hydration process evaporates). It is recommended to move the location and direction of heat source for a more uniform heating pattern.

3- Fire

Special attention should be paid to the heaters that use propane gas.


9 thoughts on “Protecting Concrete in Cold Weather”

  1. Thanks for this details, and really I would like to ask
    如果我们只使用对小型项目经济经济的混凝土覆盖,可以较冷的温度是什么?是否在5到-5 c或更高之间

  2. 非常好的摘要。在美国,很容易忘记许多工程师和建筑承包商在一年中的大部分时间内处理寒冷的天气。

  3. 我希望温度在F度。和力量在psi。
    您是否研究过新的ACI 306R-16。ACI大学在新指南上有一个以非强制性语言研讨会。
    示例:500 psi强度足以防止损坏单一冻融/解冻事件(空气 - 面积混凝土)

  4. 谢谢你这个洞察力的文章。在寒冷的天气混凝土中使用加热外壳时,应保持哪些具体温度以避免碳酸化和快速干燥/不均匀加热?

  5. 哈利穆罕默德

    Good article with good information especially this time of year but seldom followed. No one wants to pay for the protection but they want their concrete poured leaving the concrete contractor with the liability if something goes wrong.

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